Dividing double digits is very similar to long division with a single-digit divisor, but it does require some extra multiplication and thinking.
Example: 236 & divide; 28 becomes

- Guess how many times the divisor (the 28, in our example) can go into the dividend (the 236, in our example), then write down that number.
- 3Multiply your guess and the divisor (which in our example is 28) and write the result under the original dividend.
- 4Subtract the dividend and the multiplication result from step 3.
- 5Continue the guess-multiply-subtract process until you reach zero OR a subtotal which is smaller than the divisor.
- 6Decide how to deal with the remainder. When the result of the subtraction is smaller than the divisor, you have a remainder. You can write the remainder as a fraction, using the divisor as the denominator.
- In our example, the answer would be 8 12/28, which would reduce in lowest terms to 8 3/7.
- 7If you want to produce a decimal rather than a fraction, you need to add a ".0" to the end of your original dividend. (In our example, the 236 becomes 236.0)
- 8Bring down the zero and stick it on the end of your latest subtraction result.
- 9Estimate how many times your divisor can go into this new subtotal and write that down.
- 10Multiply again...
- 11...then subtract again.
- 12Keep repeating the "stick on a zero/estimate/multiply/subtract" process until you have enough decimal places OR until it subtracts to zero, whichever comes first.TipsIn this example, we were working with 28. Keep in mind that 10 x 28 = 280, which means that 5 x 28 is half of that, or 140. Since 236 is between 280 and 140, your first guess should be between 5 and 10. That's one reason why 8 is a good number.Warning
- If, at any point, your subtraction results in a number larger than your divisor, your guess wasn't high enough. Erase that entire step and try a larger guess.
- If, at any point, your subtraction results in a negative number, your guess was too high. Erase that entire step and try a smaller guess.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Calculator (the quickest way)
Solution for 987654321 ÷ 123456789 − with remainder
Step 1Long division works from left to right. Since 123456789 is a The closest we can get to 987654321 without exceeding it is 987654312 which is |
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Step 2Finally, subtract 987654312 from 987654321 giving 9. Since there are no other digits to bring down, 9 is therefore also the remainder for the whole sum. |
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