How Do I Beat the Math Puzzle in Tombscape?

How Do I Beat the Math Puzzle in Tombscape?

 You will not need a calculator to beat the math puzzle in "Tombscape."

In "Tombscape," a point-and-click flash adventure game, you travel through a treacherous tomb and collect treasure while fending off deadly spiders and avoiding traps. "Tombscape" includes several puzzles that must be solved before you can progress to the next adventure. About a quarter of the way through the game, you'll enter a room that has two puzzles. The puzzle on the left side of the room requires you to solve five simple math equations and enter your answers by clicking on arrows to cycle through the digits on the corresponding dials.


  1. 1
    Multiply 6 by 3 to get 18, then subtract 9 to total 9. Press the up arrow at the first dial until you reach "9."
  2. 2
    Multiply 3 by 5 to get 15, then subtract 6 to total 9. Click the arrow at the second dial until you reach "9."
  3. 3
    Multiply 2 by 8 to total 16, then subtract 9 to equal 7. Enter "7" at the third dial.
  4. 4
    Subtract 3 from 7 to get 4, then subtract 4 to total zero. The fourth dial is already set at "0," so there is no need to change anything.
  5. 5
    Add 4 and 4 to total 8, then divide by 8 to total 1. Click on the arrow once to reach "1" at the final dial.

Tips & Warnings

  • You cannot return to any room you've already visited once you progress past it, so collect all the coins and gems in a room before you move forward.

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